Second Street Parking Garage

2nd Street Parking Garage / Cole Housing Development

Columbus, Indiana

Project Information: Before the first garage was complete it was determined that a second was needed. After a request for proposal process, Buckingham of Indianapolis was selected for the development.  The $7.6 million, 700 space garage has been developed, and because of that Cummins built a 100,000 SF facility to house 550 new employees and generate $40 million annually is salaries.  Buckingham completed their $18.5million project in 2010 for 146 apartments and 9,000 SF of retail space.  


  • Developed the original solution to this issue and oversaw the project from the beginning until the apartment complex was started.
  • Served as owners representative and project manager for the project
  • Pushed for a creative solution to the project and believed that the garage could be placed at the core of the block and allow for development on three sides of the garage.
  • Recommended the site was offered for development. 
  • Directed the design team on the design and construction of the project.
  • Oversaw construction and all other aspects of the project. 
  • Coordinated efforts to secure restaurants for the retail space