Competitive Water Ski Lakes

Competitive Water Ski Lakes

Columbus, Indiana

Project Information: The $3.4 million project was needed to provide the 340,000 cubic yards for the Outdoor Sports Complex to raise it out of the flood fringe.  This project created a unique opportunity to develop a secondary sports venue in line with the amateur sports tourism efforts of the Columbus. A number of universities ski teams including IU, were extremely interested in the project.  This project was an extremely fast track project with consultant selection in June and out to bid by the end of September. Project was shelved by a change in administration


  • Served as owners representative, project manager and landscape architect 
  • Responsible for the process of consultant  selection, negotiating contracts, overseeing the design process, and construction documents for bidding, the bidding process, presentations to the Redevelopment Commission,  Irwin Sweeney Miller Foundation Design Committee, DNR, IDEM and City Council to secure funding for the project  
  • An extremely fast track project with consultant selection in June and going out to bid by the end of September.  Project was shelved by a change in administration.